Direct sellers get a bad rap...
they get labeled with stuff like...
Annoying. Pushy. Spammy. Scammers.
There are definitely people out there who think direct sellers are somehow “less than” other business owners.
Less legit. Less committed. Less respectable.
It's a problem. For sure.
But you know what the BIGGEST problem with this whole negative rep around direct selling is?
A lot of direct sellers secretly feel the SAME way about THEMSELVES.
But here's the thing.
You got into this for way more than just the free products, right? Can you think back to how nervous but excited you were when you first signed up for your biz?
You didn't know what you were getting into, but, you knew that you wanted something that YOU could be the boss of, where you could call the shots, make your own schedule, have fun, make money and hey...maybe even be a GREAT leader one day and shoot...change OTHER people's lives.
Somewhere along the way, the wind got taken out of your sails. That fresh, "I-just-did-a-thing" excitement that came with making an investment in yourself and in your future started to fade and...other thoughts started to creep in...maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all? Maybe I was wrong about this whole direct sales thing.
If you're at the point where you're wondering...why the heck did I sign up for this?
You feel like you've tried everything and you're still not getting the results you thought you'd get...
You've had some success, but it's just way harder than it should be. You've been at this for a WHILE and, girl, you're tired.
That is 100% understandable. I get it.
β But...what if you knew the exact right action steps to focus on every day (or whatever days you choose to werk yo' biz)?
β What if you literally were handed the insider secrets (that your company never taught you) to build and scale a sustainable REAL business on YOUR terms...and it took less time, less effort, and...OMG...this actually might be FUN????
β What if you had someone who was willing to hold your hand and talk you through all of those negative, not-so-nice thoughts that have been hanging around whenever you try to get anything done?
β And what if there was a way to grow your customer list, your sales, and your team exponentially...WITHOUT being pushy, off-putting, creepily stalker-ish or super salesy?
If you're looking for a way to make big moves in your DS biz, but you don't ever want to be "that direct seller"
...there's another way...
The problem with the old way of running your direct sales business is the belief that EVERYONE is a potential customer or team member
...and you and I both know that's just not true.
Because if it were true your final numbers each month would be booming, your team would be on FIYAH and your name would be the one on that Top Ten leaderboard each and every month.
Instead, you're dealing with low or inconsistent sales, desperately trying to "convince" your friends to book a party with you (throwing in extra freebies at your own expense) and if ya got 'em, team members who ghost you (even though you can clearly see that they "read" your text).
It's really enough to make you feel like you're just not cut out for I right??
Here's the other problem:
Even if you HAVE gotten some traction following the old way of doing DS business, eventually, you'll start to plateau.
You might already be at the point where you've exhausted your list of friends and family members.
You've literally asked every single person you know (including that chick from high school you haven't spoken to in 20+ years) to check out your product or tried to seduce her with all the "FREE!!!!" stuff she could get if she would only book a party with you.
You're tapped out.
Ok, so... I need to "grow an audience"... get more leads... where is that section on the company website... oh! Cool, ok, let me just copy and paste this pre-fab social media post...I mean, they've already done the work for me! It's easy!
Marketing your DS biz can be simple, but it's not easy. Because the truth is, people can sniff out desperation from a mile away. Yes. Even on Instagram.
If you've been doing it the old way
and pushing your products on every conceivable social media platform, people might actually STOP liking your posts because they feel like if they do, you'll immediately drop into their DM's and pressure them to buy something from you
"...Because OMG this deal is going fast!"
β To get a laugh from a funny meme,
β or an "awwwww" from somebody's ridiculously cute baby/puppy/kitten
β or inspiration from a quote or satisfaction from learning a new life hack.
β They're not there to buy your stuff.
β They're there to hang out.
To make life feel a little more connected, a little more normal, a little more FUN.
Ok so now you might be like...
π€·π»βοΈ "I know you're 100% right. But like, what do I do now????"
But few can actually build a brand and a business that connects with customers and prospects
on the kind of deep down level that keeps them coming back again and again and again.
That's What I am Missing!![](
"I absolutely LOVE that you teach us to be authentic and loving to our clients.
THAT is what people want now. No fake cut & paste or buy, buy, buy from me stuff.
YOU are so amazing, Rachel! #bestcoachEVER"
~ Lisa Csanyi
If you've been searching
for the "secret sauce" that will turn your overwhelmed and overworked hustle into a lean, DREAM selling + recruiting machine...
"Lean in a little closer, mama. 'Cause I'm gonna tell you what it is. You ready?
People buy into YOU before they ever buy your product.
Providing consistent, sitting-on-the-edge-of-their-seat and hanging-on-your-every-word VALUE is what earns you the right to occasionally ask for the sale or share your business opportunity
So what do people value?
β Realness.
β Recognition.
β Resonance.
They want to see you at your best and when things get messy...on the real, real. They want to experience the real you in all of your bed-headed, before your first cup of coffee glory.
They also want to recognize themselves in you and BE recognized by you.
Not as a potential sale, but as another human who's doing the best they can in the weird world we're all living in right now.
AND...they want to resonate with your beliefs, your values, your style, your sense of humor, your hopes and your dreams. They want to FEEL what excites you, what frustrates you, what you geek out over, what makes you just about fall over laughing, what you can't live without and what you are SO grateful for in this life.
And the ONLY way you can connect with them in THAT way is to be willing to step out from behind your product and be YOU. All of you.
β Not your company
β Not your product (even though, duh, it's amaze!)
β Not your hostess rewards and
β Not even your big annual sales.
Did I freak you out? Good.
Because like I've been saying, it's time to shake things up around here.
Out with the old in with the YOU. (see what I did there? ;)
So if NOW you're like...
"OMG it's ME? I'm the secret sauce? No way."
This brings us right to the very next issue...
I Need More of Your Wisdom!A majority of women in the direct sales industry struggle with their self-worth.
And, to be totally honest, with the bad rap that direct sellers get it's no wonder you feel like you've got to walk around apologizing for what you do.
It's super hard to feel like you're a badass CEO when you're pretty sure the people around you are thinking stuff like...
"Why would she sign up for this weird pyramid scheme? I thought she was smarter than that.”
“Awwww...she just wants to make a little extra money. Cute.”
“Ugh. Well. I GUESS I’ll have to go to at least one party and buy something small.”
Slowly but surely every text or DM you send that gets ignored becomes about the “bad” choice you made to try to run this direct sales business.
Isn't it time for a reset?
So many times, we limit ourselves by buying into the limiting beliefs of others that we at some point decided were our own.
If you're struggling and you KNOW you need to get out of your own way, but you're not sure where to start...start with this:
Your business is a REAL business.
You are an entrepreneur.
You are a business owner, dammit.
The sooner you can believe that, the sooner you're going to be able to get where you're meant to go.
This isn't about being perfect every day and waking up every morning knowing without a doubt you're the best thing since fake eyelashes. That's impossible.
But it is about learning the skills you need to consistently show up BELIEVING that what you want IS possible FOR YOU.
And that's why, I couldn't be MORE thrilled to introduce you to...
An exclusive membership for direct sellers that gives you the insider business strategies you never learned...
And the ongoing expert coaching support you need to go from overwhelmed side-hustlin' honey to clear, confident and consistent boss babe and CEO.
Sign Me Up! I'm In!You'll be SO grateful for your Wealth + Worth Legacy Builders Membership when...
So why should you join us in
Wealth + Worth Legacy Builders?
βΎ want customers that are obsessed with you and will literally tell every single person they know about you because they WANT to (and you, like, didn't even have to bribe them with free stuff)
βΎ want to grow your audience, your customer list and your team, but you want it to feel SO much easier than it does right now
βΎ Because you want to be totally clear on what to do next in your biz, and you want a simple, step-by-step plan that you don't have to second guess
βΎ Because you want to make more money without stalking people or losing friends.
βΎ Because you want to be consistently working your biz in a way that feels really good...
and, last but not least...
βΎ'll finally put all those people who said you couldn't do it in their place… (Sick burn, man! Forgive me. I have a teenage son.)
Anyways... if you really think about it...
Isn't an upgrade to the way you've been running your direct sales business and the way you FEEL about being a direct seller exactly what you need?
You know what they say. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is literally the definition of insanity.
You already know that the outdated strategies you've been scraping by with aren't giving you the results you really want.
You also know that there's something deeper going on inside of you that's affecting how you're showing up for yourself and for your business every day.
You don't need to keep posting about your crazy deals or your one-time-only sign-on bonus or your amazing hostess rewards this month.
You need new, fresh ideas and tested, tried and true marketing formulas you can make your OWN.
Yes, your product matters. Yes, your company's sales matter. But if that's all you want to keep clogging up people's newsfeeds with and you're not willing to make a shift and do something totally different than what you've been taught...then the Wealth + Worth Builders Membership probably isn't for you.
If I'm totally honest (and let's be honest, I always am), W+W Builders is ONLY right for you if...
The Whole Idea Behind the Wealth + Worth Legacy Builders Membership
Is to give you access to the most cutting edge online business + marketing strategies
and a personal mindset and accountability coach who's been where you've been, felt how you feel, and done what you've been trying so hard to do.
(You guys. That's me.)
After spending 14+ years working in the direct sales industry, and then building a multi-6 figure business creating innovative and outside-of-the-box training JUST for direct sellers (because what you've been taught just doesn't work for the long haul), I get it.
I’m juggling being mom, wife and CEO just like you.
I know the value of speaking truth into the fear that appears in this crazy, amazing world of entrepreneurship and direct sales.
I created the Wealth + Worth Builders community because there's nothing out there like it.
Inside the membership, I've put together everything I've learned over the last decade from the TOP business leaders, online marketers and social influencers in the world.
"If you get the opportunity to work with Rachel Perry, book her now before someone else does. Rachel cares so much about her clients and is able to bring out the best in everyone. SHE IS THE REAL DEAL.
Her positive attitude and energy is refreshing in today’s world. You will not be disappointed.”
~Stacy Tuschl
Best selling author, speaker, the owner of multiple 7-figure businesses and the creator of the Foot Traffic Formula
"Rachel has a ridiculously contagious energy that lights up a room. If you want to inject hilarious moments and high energy that’s grounded in practical wisdom into your life or business then look no further then Rachel.
She will bring true laughter into every moment and have you leave feeling lighter and ready to take on your next big challenge with renewed excitement and focus!”
~ Colin Boyd
International Speaker, Coach, and Authority on Influence & Persuasion,
Creator of The Experts Inner Circle
...I've invested literally tens of thousands of dollars in my education so I could learn what it actually takes to run, market and profit from a consistent, sustainable online business.
I've pulled my seat up to the table with some of the most brilliant minds today and learned what's actually working NOW when it comes to growing your audience, generating leads and qualified customers, creating systems so things run like clockwork and actually MAKING money.
And I've tailored THEIR business + marketing genius into strategies that work SPECIFICALLY for direct sales business owners...because YOU are my heart and, girl, you NEED this stuff.
I would be honored to hold your hand so you can walk your truth and get empowered to grow and lead a successful direct sales business.
Think of Wealth + Worth Builders as your one-stop-shop for everything you need to grow a business on your terms while building your confidence, connecting with a powerful sisterhood, and finally stepping into your true worth so you can build real wealth!
(Um. Because have you ever seen a successful, profitable business owner who doesn't have healthy self-worth?)
"I'd lost my fire for my direct sales business. I was burned out.
I wanted to take one last shot at my direct sales business so I decided to work with Rachel.
Not only did she provide a wealth of information around mindset and steps to have a successful business, but she’s also reignited my passion for this industry and I’m in full creation mode."
~ Kari Lowe
Once you say YES to Wealth + Worth Legacy Builders, you get your all-access VIP Pass to:
The Wealth + Worth Framework
Inside W+W Legacy Builders, you’re going to discover a proven business-building path for a true transformation that goes above and beyond any quick fix.
Step-by-step and month-by-month, you’ll learn an entirely new way of functioning in your business and your life where you can operate from a place of confidence, efficiency, and empowerment as the magnetic woman and business owner you truly are!
The core curriculum is based on tried and true growth strategies specific to direct sales success and sustainability. Each lesson builds on the other and is broken out over 12 months.
Okay, so you might be thinking I want all of this now!
I get it, sister. I’m kind of a maximalist too. (Give me allllll the things!)
If this is you, then the Annual Membership option is going to be your JAM.
You’ll get instant access to ALL of the Wealth + Worth modules so you can pick and choose what to focus on depending on your needs right now this minute.
"Rachel Perry is a breath of fresh air in the DS/MLM coaching world.
She helped me develop a system that keeps my activities focused on achieving my goals.
She is a treasure & I can’t wait to see my vision come to life!"
~ Heather Quillen
"Rachel knows what she's talking about when it comes to direct sales...she's a WHIZ.
I've used her systems and her email campaigns and it's been AMAZING for my business."
~ Amber Petersen. Color Street
Oh, My Gosh! That's What I Want!![](
Monthly Coaching Calls
Did I mention this membership is like having a business coach in your back pocket?! Every single month, I’ll be hopping on a group coaching call with our fabulous community to answer ANY questions you have about growing and scaling your direct selling business. Whether you need clarification on what to focus on, help with a strategy, or just a good ol’ kick-in-the-pants, I’ve got your back, girlfriend.
Rachel’s coaching ALWAYS works 110% for me!
My business has more than doubled since working with Rachel. In 2019 I made $50,000 in sales and it’s only September 2020 and I’ve already made $75,000. I’m on track to reach $100,000 by the end of the year!!"
~ Lisa Csanyi
"Rachel's not afraid to call you on your stuff...if you're struggling with something or need more help, she's there for you, wherever you're at.
If you have a mind block that you didn't even know you had...she's there to call you on it and help you work through it.
The group coaching that we have with her is just priceless."
~ Amber Petersen. Color Street
Yes! This is For Me!![](
Monthly Action Plans
Each month, the action planner will focus on key business-building to-dos, so you know exactly what to do to get the most growth.
"Rachel Perry was the answer to this confused business owner’s prayers!
I had some big dreams and a To-Do list that was 10 miles long, but no clear direction or plan to make it happen.
Rachel helped me prioritize my dreams and find a practical way to make them come true.
Her advice and wisdom kept me on a clear path to success, instead of darting from path to path with no clear plan."
~ Chrissie Kenaston
I'm In! Tell Me All the Deets!![](
Members-Only Facebook Group
This is the heart and soul of the membership. Our Facebook group is where you’ll be able to connect to other boss ladies like you who are growing their DS empire, ask questions in between coaching calls, and get ongoing support and accountability from Team Rachel!
"I have to tell you how much this group and Rachel have meant to me. I've been a follower of Rachel since her Tag Team days and I just love her.
She is just so down to earth and so REAL. She's not afraid to share her mistakes and her missteps with us so we can learn from them.
The women are fantastic. They are people I would have chosen as friends if I met them in real life.
I don't know what my life would be life without this group.
I'd probably still be flailing around, thinking I'm doing all the work and being exhausted doing it all and not actually accomplishing a thing."
~ Cindy Burns
This is the Membership I've Always Dreamed of!![](
"I'm so blessed to be part of this group. They've given me so much more than I ever expected. The ladies have been a wealth of support.
Had I not joined Wealth + Worth Builders, I'm not sure where I would be right now, but I don't know if I could see myself being at this level of success without it.
My organization has grown from 100 consultants to 260 consultants and we're still ever-growing.
I've gone from 3 top leaders on my team to 9.
My personal business growth has been phenomenal.
I will honestly be forever grateful."
~ Jacquie Rougeau. Epicure
Girl, This is What I Have Been Waiting For!![](
Ready to get to where you're meant to go?
The Wealth + Worth Legacy Builders Membership is here to help you every step of the way.
βΎ Choose your membership level
Monthly: Most Flexible!
If you just want to take this for a test drive and need the flexibility of monthly payments, that's ahhhhmazing.
For just $35/month, you can get my personal coaching, strategies, accountability, and access to the baddest group of babes in the DS world. And if you decide it’s not for you? You can cancel at any time!
Annual: A $71 savings!
If you just KNOW that this is your year, girlfriend..then this option is calling your name!
You’ll get instant access to the ENTIRE Wealth + Worth Success Framework in addition to ALL of the other perks of membership for just one yearly payment of $349
(which means you get 2 months free!),
AND… I’ll throw in something special (cause you know, PRESENTS!!!)
Speaking of presents...who doesn't love a good bonus?
Here are the extra goodies you'll get when you choose either membership option.
Mind Your Money with James Wedmore, Creator of Business By Design
This Masterclass with my personal business mentor is literally priceless. James is one of the most brilliant minds in the world and he’s taught thousands of online entrepreneurs how to grow and scale 6 and 7-figure empires.
James teaches you the mindset shifts you need to make so you can put the stress of minding your money behind you.
Creating Systems Masterclass with Rachel McMichael, Creator of The Business With Impact Society
Rachel is a total systems MAVEN. She’s built multiple 6 figure businesses (including in network marketing and direct sales) over the last decade...without sacrificing precious time with her family (or her sanity).
In this Masterclass, Rachel teaches you how to create systems in your DS business that work FOR you. Her teaching style is high-energy, clear and direct..she totally has a gift for uncomplicating all the “tech-y” stuff by breaking it down one step at a time.
An Extra Bonus for All Those Boss Babes Who Choose the Annual Membership
Convert + Engage with Email for Direct Sellers
You guys. After this course, emails are gonna be your new secret weapon when it comes to marketing your business. I’m not talking about the automatic emails your company sends out or that you copy and paste. I’m talking about learning how to create emails that connect, inspire, entertain and build genuine relationships with your people!!!!
In all my years coaching and teaching direct sellers, this is one precious resource that too often goes untapped. This course is going teach you how to tap into the ahhhhhmazingness of email marketing!
Annual Membership + All of the Bonuses - $349Still have questions? No, problem, mama. Here’s the nitty gritty:
How does it work again?
OK, but what if I get started and itβs just not for me?
How do I know this stuff will really change my business?
Bottom line?
βΎ I believe in you and I believe that you are meant for BIG things.
βΎ I believe that you have the potential to grow your business so far beyond this month, this quarter...even this year. I’m talking big picture, change your whole LIFE potential.
βΎ And it all starts with learning the small, focused steps you can take that over time, add up to a real LEGACY of wealth and worth.
Isn’t it time to put an end to the beliefs that have been holding you back and learn how to walk confidently into your truth armed with everything you need to prove everyone wrong?
βΎ Join us in Wealth + Worth Legacy Builders here now
Monthly: Most Flexible!
If you just want to take this for a test drive and need the flexibility of monthly payments, that's ahhhhmazing.
For just $35/month, you can get my personal coaching, strategies, accountability, and access to the baddest group of babes in the DS world. And if you decide it’s not for you? You can cancel at any time!
Annual: A savings of $71
If you just KNOW that this is your year, girlfriend..then this option is calling your name!
You’ll get instant access to the ENTIRE Wealth + Worth Success Framework in addition to ALL of the other perks of membership for just one yearly payment of $349
(which means you get two months free!),
AND… I’ll throw in something special (cause you know, PRESENTS!!!)